Mind of the Investor / Entrepreneur Workshop!
Mind of the Investor and Entrepreneur Workshop in August in Memphis! This event is free to attend.
Techstars Industries of the Future Demo Day
Attend the Techstars Industries of the Future Demo Day
Daily Crunch on Bobby Parrish’s Target Deals YouTube
Bobby Approved! Major YouTuber Bobby Parrish reviews Daily Crunch Sprouted Almond Snacks for his show Target Deals.
Daily Crunch in Snack & Bakery
Daily Crunch has been added to 450+ Target stores with new flavors!
Eric Dobson interviewed for Knoxville Voyager
Eric Dobson shares the story of his trajectory with Knoxville Voyager for their Change Makers story series.
Angels Impact the Mobility Impaired
The winner of our first ever Age Innovation showcase and pitch competition: Wave Therapeutics
The Next Generation of Smart Inhaler Technology
A new era of breathing begins with our investment in Pneuma Respiratory’s innovative inhaler technology.
EdgeEnergy Featured on BRITE Podcast
EdgeEnergy leader Jon Holland discusses the future of electric vehicles on the BRITELights podcast EV series.
Angels Impact Meetings
Angels create real impact on meeting software with Reelay meeting attendant.
Angels Impact Smoking Cessation
Angel investment supports life-changing technology to reduce nicotine dependence and addiction.
Angels Impact Cancer Diagnostics
Angels invest in New Day Diagnostics for another round, moving the needle one step closer to solving the issue of colorectal cancer.
Knox News Featuring New Day Diagnostics’ ColoHealth
Colorectal cancer screening is easier than ever thanks to New Day Diagnostics; feature in the Knox News
Daily Crunch on Eat This, Not That!
Daily Crunch Dill Pickle sprouted almonds snack featured on Eat This, Not That! As a healthy snack option that will help with portion control and losing weight.
Lirio Receives 2024 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award
Lirio is recognized for their hard work in AI innovation.
Authentrics.AI will pitch for the Ballard Innovation Award
Cheer Authentrics.AI on as they compete in April for this exciting opportunity!
Guarding the Guards: Artificial Intelligence
Who watches the watchers when it comes to artificial intelligence?
Teknovations Series: Investor Outlook 8
Teknovations Investor Outlook Series: What else is on your mind for 2024?